James Arthur Ray was found guilty of 3 counts of negligent homicide. Why did the people in James Ray’s warrior retreat stay in the sweat lodge when they knew they were in danger? – James Ray is a teacher from “The Secret.” Patrick Wanis PhD reveals the dangers of gurus to TruTV In Session with Vinnie Politan. James Ray is a self-help Guru and Law of Attraction teacher and author. Listen to the interview where Patrick Wanis PhD reveals the techniques used by cults and gurus for persuasion, mind control and brainwashing: patrickwanis.com Also read: Shame on The Secret? patrickwanis.com
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Hopefully this is what is happening to Ray now
@VeteransAgainstKonop I attend sweats lots, even was at one last night. My elders know how to do them properly. Sweat Lodge is sacred and this idoit had no business doing one. He is not a lodge keeper, he doesn’t know the traditional ways.
@UT92862 Cars kill so many people. There has to be some kind of education for the masses to be able to recognize such dangerous objects. Guns kill so many people. There has to be some kind of education for the masses to be able to recognize such dangerous concepts. Foreign interventions kill so many people. There has to be some kind of education for the masses to be able to recognize such dangerous….. ah what’s the fucking point?
This guy is a complete Psychopath, He also is also is a Narcissistic Lunayic.
There has to be some kind of education for the masses to be able to recognize such lunatics and cult leaders.
@adrianaveliz I agree with you, however, keep in mind that in a position of power, you are taking on responsibilities. People trusted him. Consider this like a malpractice suit for a doctor. In a position of power, you should know better. He used their vulnerabilities and had them go into a dangerous situation, thinking they were safe, and his neglect caused their deaths. That is why he was convicted of Negligent Homicide instead of Murder in the 1st, or even manslaughter.
James Ray is a modern day Jim Jones, cult leader and a con artist!
“Die and be reborn” it is an old game. It has been around for centuries. But dummies keep falling for it. Christianity is founded on the same money making game. “Priests, Preachers and Gurus” have been making a good living from this con game. Christians don’t wear cloaks either !
Americans labor underthe illusion that having money is somehow proof that U R smart. Plenty of dummies have lots of money. Most of them get sent to expensive schools by their parents and later get called “successful” and “smart” undeservidly.
History is chuck full of “dangerous gurus”. Jesus of nazareth is one of the more famous ones. If people would not act like sheep, these “gurus” would not get such large followings. In is in the nature of humans that 75% look for others to do their thinking for them. I guess it is mental lazyness. Such hollowheaded followers get exactly what they deserve.
este video do arizona é um video de alta qualidade pois possuem cores realidade e mais emotivo por conter a verdade que existem dentro de cada um com testimunhos e como as pessoas chegaram ao sucesso.
i dont think these ppl died because they wanted the approval of james ray. I think they wanted to prove their selves how far they could get. This psychologist is underestimating the willpower of those 3. And it is sad that they died this way cause they must have been very strong characters. Now every one goes saying that they died like sheeps.
@VeteransAgainstKonop If you do some research. You would know that the local tribal people went to James more than once offering to teach him the lodge properly. Which he obviously didn’t know!! He said NO!! The idiot he paid to teach him the lodge should be responsible. As a real native would never put that many people into a lodge.
Feel bad for the families.
I feel sorry for this people that died, BUT, we are RESPONSIBLE for our actions, they pay to do some ritual stuff WELL that is like trying a new drug…there might be side effects. How can we just go blind after a men who charge 10,000 to help you spiritually or wherever. INSANE I never going to understand human stupidity.
this was a terrible accident, and he ‘s not a guru, media always turn things around.
@ben1122us — The American Indian tribe that promoted this Sweat Lodge practice, should be held responsible.
People keep saying the word “accident” but this was no accident. An accident happens quickly. Without warning. He had alot of time to stop these people from dying and did nothing to stop it. He knew people were dying and did nothing to help them. He is guilty of neglecting these people the help they needed. they died because of his actions. That, to me is the same as watching someone being held underwater and doing nothing to stop it. If he wanted to stop these people from dying, he could have
As a person of Native American heritage I know that we even in the tribes my family has in there blood line, require extensive training for the participants of a sweat lodge and the man, James Ray, was not even qualified to give this training and conduct these types of ceremonies. If he was, then no one would have died from this.
There were some stated similarities between Ray and Mansion, but it was made clear by the host that they weren’t trying to draw parallels between the two. What James Ray does for a living is a power trip, regardless of this trial or the lodge deaths. And according to witness testimony, he actually DID play God as part of this workshop. I have no hatred for him, but it’s quite evident he misused the sweat lodge, or those folks would still be here.
Drawing a parallel between James Ray & Charles Manson is grossly overstating the intent and nature of James’ behavior. Sensationalizing this tragic accident is making it impossible for this to be resolved fairly. James Ray is not an evil man nor is he a negligent person. He was not “playing God” nor was he on a power trip. Let’s stop the hatred and instead express our sympathy for those who died in this accident.