Dallas, TX (PRWEB) June 1, 2006
When a dollar only buys a few sips of Starbucks Coffee and a third of gallon of gas, two Internet Marketers on each coast are going in another direction. In June 2006, they plan to reveal secrets behind over $ 50 million generated in Internet marketing sales, the vast majority coming from work at home entrepreneurs.
At AppreciationSeminar.com, entrepreneurs, work at home individuals, customers, friends, colleagues and even competitors will learn cutting-edge strategies for lasting wealth from 10 top marketing experts.
The two $ 1500 Internet marketing seminars are available for just a dollar each. Naturally, skeptics will wonder, “What’s the catch?” Fortunately, to provide the greatest access to these proven Internet wealth-building strategies, there isn’t one.
The AppreciationSeminar.com 2006 events are scheduled for the following dates and locations:
AppreciationSeminar.com WEST: June 9, 10 and 11 in Los Angeles, California
AppreciationSeminar.com EAST: June 16, 17 and 18 in Orlando, Florida
As Mandossian shares, “My friend and business partner Armand Morin started making money with Internet marketing 10 years ago. I started 5 years ago. Today we’re still going strong and enjoying more success than ever. Because our customers have stuck with us on this journey…we want to give back and pay it forward.”
Mandossian and Morin are no strangers to Internet marketing success. Armand Morin started his online business in 1996, and since then his Go Generator software has created over twenty-one million dollars in revenue. Alex Mandossian began making money on the Internet in 2001 and is the genius behind such innovations as the ASK Database, teleseminar marketing, and using audio to boost conversion rates on web sites.
When asked, “Why are you guys giving away a $ 1500 seminar for just a buck?” Morin replied, “We want to celebrate the 5 year and 10 year anniversaries of the first dollar each of us made through Internet marketing. And what better way than with the people who helped us make that first dollar and many, many, many more after that?”
Anyone who has made a dollar online is encouraged to attend. Alex, Armand and their faculty will reveal many surprises to help entrepreneurs at any skill level begin making money online.
To discover exactly how far a dollar goes in gaining access to these Internet marketing success secrets, and to hear preview teleseminars of each faculty member, visit www.AppreciationSeminar.com or reach Alex Mandossian at (415) 493-5567.
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