50 thoughts on “Eye To Eye: Richard Branson (CBS News)

  1. BILL-ionare Gates
    RICH-ard Branson

    I notice a strong correlation between money and money.

  2. How visual attention works, fails, and leads to dyslexia (and what to do about it!)
    SEARCH “Dr. Laurie Cestnick” “Harvard University” or “Cestnick” “Dyslexia” on YOUTUBE for video. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  3. He is one of the most inspirational people on earth. Success is not an accident. Branson has the mindset of a winner!

    Thanks for sharing and have a powerful day!


  4. Love LOVE the Branson family… 🙂 His children are absolute stunners and they all come across as loving, caring, sweet people with a heart of gold.

  5. @KamikazeElvis so continued on from the last. this is after i wrote a text book letter in line with all the psychology book. so what you you suggest i do now its the only place around and is the exact right size and i need to get in before the new complex is open and i can’t put it in the new complex for its going Im not financed to do it like that. what do i say in my next letter. it need to cater to their needs and give them an eager want. and i need this gym any one can answer this question.

  6. @KamikazeElvis so continued on from the last. this is after i wrote a text book letter in line with all the psychology book. so what you you suggest i do now its the only place around and is the exact right size and i need to get in before the new complex is open and i can’t put it in the new complex for its going Im not financed to do it like that. what do i say in my next letter. it need to cater to their needs and give them an eager want. and i need this gym

  7. @KamikazeElvis question for the person who must be going the right direction since he watched and commented this video. I want to open a gym near my house after doing the maths they make alot of money though the only place in the area is owned by an op shop chain which is located across from a new development which will house 500 plus people with shops etc now the op shop known as red cross has said to my email to have them move in way for the gym we have no plans to move. to be continued

  8. The Value of a person like Sir Richard Branson can not be measured
    Visonaries like him are beyond price

  9. @underdeafeat
    Just because Richard Branson is smart it doesn’t mean you are too. I’m not calling you dumb, but you just have the wrong idea from what Richard said.

  10. sucked in people i have dyslexia as well
    suck it to all those people who said i was dumb

  11. the book “Branson” by Tom Bower tells all–fair chance that Branson ends up fulfilling the “prison” part of the original prediction

  12. of course he was artist and then he made some money and did antoher proejekt dont make him an entepenour for that his real company is virgin


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  15. @EdTheBadass before we go any further, you might want to sit down and read a biology book, then we’ll be able to talk! “Diamonds before swines doesn’t really work”

  16. @EdTheBadass it goes something like this: CO2 Goes in, and O2 comes out! “when we human beings breath O2 Goes in, and CO2 Comes out! Am I right?

  17. Love this guy, im sooo glad he admitted he was kissing Richards ass, cos if he didnt, i would have been disappointed. his honesty is his appeal and for him not to be totally honest, he would have lost fans. Smart move Craig!

  18. Please join my Facebook group “Give Craig Ferguson an Emmy for The Late Late Show!!” 😉

  19. @postmodernnerd
    what? ..
    trees use oxygen just like any other being.

    However plants also PRODUCE oxygen via process of photosynthesis – they use water and CO2.
    Well I assume that tree without leaves wouldn’t produce anything. It was something to do with the green stuff -chlorophyl.

    Where do you think oxygen is coming from? If plants only use up CO2 (producing some useless(non-oxygen) shit in this process)?

  20. my grandads cousin is getting married and richard branson is gonna be there can not wait to see what hes like

  21. i would go on this one way flight to mars to be one of the first people who colonised mars!

  22. Your Fired! Branson, your virgin internet is shit!
    Now your slowing down people with Rapidshare accounts so it not worth downloading!, why dont you give people the service they pay for?
    You will never get a penny of my money again.

  23. <3 Richard Branson!! he is awesome! did a project on him, got full marks cos he is so amazing!

    it wud be so cool to actually meet him!

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