Imagine waking up on the morning of your absolute ideal day? And even better, imagine you had all the skills, psychology and vision to actually do it every day.
I’ve just completed a 90 Day Video Performance Coaching program which is, simply put, “just outstanding”. Waking up to the daily inspiration delivered by Jairek Robbins is powerful, and a great way to start your day when you are on a mission to take anything to the next level. The program contains 60 short videos (each around 5 minutes) to be watched each weekday morning over a period of 3 months (or 90 days). Each video builds on the previous content and covers all major aspects of personal and professional growth, giving you the tools to really break through and achieve your dreams. Suitable for people from 10 to 110, this program had me leaping out of bed each day, excited to find out the focus for my day with more priceless strategies, tips and tools which were practical, across a broad spread of topics, yet each day was lazer-focused. From day one you start to pinpoint your three top goals to target over the next 90 days, and each day this guided process gets you step by step achieving things you only dreamed of.
Jairek Robbins has developed four part coaching system drawing from his 11 years of personal coaching experience and as consultant to Fortune 500 companies on areas of personal and professional achievement and sales mastery. He started his own coaching business at the height of the financial crisis reaching a six figure income in less than one year. He understands what it takes to achieve consistent, lasting results in all areas of your life.
Jairek is a unique individual who has been in a great position to really study success from the inside out. As son of world-renowned Anthony Robbins, coach to several US presidents, sporting greats, and business giants alike and inventor of business and personal coaching back in the 80’s, Jairek has been immersed in the foremost success and achievement strategies from the biggest names in the industry. And best of all, we get to reap the benefits of the compression of all this information through this program.
For those who have done some of Tony Robbins’ work, Jairek’s program offers a wonderful refresher, as well as offering a range of completely fresh and innovative material. Jairek doesn’t just stand on the shoulders of the motivational giants, he leaps off them using all the capacity of cutting-edge online media to deliver the foremost strategies to you, wherever you are.
The only constructive feedback I had regarding this program was to make the video series available via iphone and ipad, making the program truly portable. And, in the spirit of continuous and never ending improvement, Jairek’s already done it. Bravo! Other product developers take note. It’s great to see someone really walking their talk.
These days it seems everyone has a strategy for success- for being the best you that you can be. There are however few programs that really stand out for their content, positive impact on your life, as well as value for money. This program however really represents exceptional value for both time and money, adding massive value to your life and all those around you. All I can say is dream big!
Just Outstanding.
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Get more information on Jairek Robbins’ 90-day Video Coaching Performance Program and access to free videos at
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