Donald Trump is mad as hell — and he’s letting everybody know it.This is not my video,im just sharing this with those who didnt see it Read more on Trump: Mideast Explosion Could Destroy OPEC, Lower Oil Prices
Donald Trump On President George W. Bush
Video Rating: 4 / 5

He is right , unless Apple and other giant manufactureres move back to california , china is gonna eat america up fully
@Sweepersucksballs Actually, it’s “you’re”! Learn some grammar.
He is unfortunate about buying Chinese products? My god, how racist can Donald Trump get?
@WinningTigeresss i know, but he isnt ceo. he has a ceo
wow no wonder Trump withdrew from running for president he’s offended 5 countries in this interview alone
I know it pisses off you Left WIng Liberal Radicals
Obama is the food stamp president!
@pasinurminen2233 Your Rosie’s bitch then!
Although I disagree with Mr. Trump and his political views, these comments are depressing me. You all are just calling him names. That’s not how you make a constructive argument/criticism.
Donald Trump is stupid.
Now, even in the 21st Century with the Internet, we’ve got the Middle Ages-style local bumpkins “throwing dung” at the more highly-developed and naturally-blessed people. WE will not be forgiven for our behavior, because we have the informational resources at our disposal to be better.
@firefightermeath “Bush was the worst president America ever had”
That’s debatable.
Nope: Obama’s clearly taken the prize of worst pres, in fact Obama’s worse than Jimmy Carter was…
What are you talking about? CEO is an acronym for Chief Executive Officer.
@WinningTigeresss he has a c e o
Bush was the worst president America ever had, but Trump would take this title if he ever took on the role. Trump I am sorry but you’re a muppet .
I would like him as secretary of defense
donald truimph,
i hope u become president of usa. u r very smart.
god bless u.
Trump the coward too scared to run for president
@draregem it will bring him a lot more but he has enough money to live 10 lives so i dont really see the point
Go to Google, type in “Napalm Death for President”, click the first link.
You’re welcome.
donkey jackass cow trump..would you vote a republican ?
LOL. Chairman is one word, and you can be both the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
This is so much crap. Trump is just trying to get the “every man” by focusing on an “every man” product, because the truth is that most of the oil doesn’t even come from the middle east; it comes from Canada, Texas and Venezuela. Trump is running for his ego, because he should know that since he graduated from the Wharton School of Finance.
“… how we (USA) are abused by other countries,” says the silly turd, Donald T. The man is not only figuratively speaking, a man gone mad, he is a totally ignorant gibbering knucklehead.
“SechyoolarYOOESAY ” says it well with: Trump = Moron = What’s wrong with America
the host is a fn fool..what a dick steppin doosh bag hehe, total hack.shut your pie recepticle donkey….
lol Gets some hair Bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh your all same shitttttttttttt
so many clowns in American politics. It is all distraction for the men behind the scenes. Everybody thinks Trump is such a big shot. He made many investors poorer. That’s how he gets his money with his stock market scams. America is ruled by the mafia and it is all legal. They can go into any country, steal their oil and wealth and when the people try to defend themselves the currupt media calls them “terrorists”. Clowns like Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton are pushed forward to play President.
@MrFatBastad Oh wait, I think there is someone else who likes to interrupt people. Oh I do think his name is BILL MOTHERFUCKING O’REILY!
Trump is a total mess, the man has had more fiscal disaster than Bush did during the iraq war….. what a joke….. bring on trump for divisive politics, its us and them people.
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Go to Google, type in “Napalm Death for President”, click the first link.
You’re welcome.
@rjr1990 running a casino is not as easy as you think
Donald trump is better off counting pennies than running for president.
@nissansentraglx lol… you think?
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@nissansentraglx Trump doesn’t know how to be successful. He was born into a very wealthy family. He hasn’t earned shit. I mean he fucking bankrupted a casino. Do you know how hard that is to do? That’s like bankrupting a crack house.
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i am bummed out that Trump isn’t running. I think he would do as good as any one running. Trump is a straight shooter and knows how to be successful. Politicians just bullshit and colelct their paychecks and benefits.
The most annoying fucking interviewer ever. How many times does this homo have to fucking interrupt Trump during this interview. I believe Trump would make a better leader in this country. He’s very outspoken and tells it how it is. Most politicians will just tell you what you want to hear period. This war has been a waste of time and money and has wasted enough innocent lives including women and children as well as the lives of our troops. Not to mention this country is now broke from this war
@15youngblack no …i just am.
@Rodee3074 what are you a redcoat?
@15youngblack what are ya… northen or southern ..??… to the rest of the world your all yanks… its a general view.
@Rodee3074 :/….quit callin’ me a yank.
@DreamsRmadeOfu , Trump is only interested in lining his own pockets I have never heard anyone talk themselves up as much as he does, its shameful.. its alot easier to be successful when your inhert Millions from daddy, he’s hardly a rags to riches story, the guys a absolutle moron, I use to think Trump was pretty smart till I checked out some of his interviews he’s comes across as pretty stupid, he will send the US into world war III just from the greed of the MAN.. ” The Great Pretender “
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@15youngblack Your not wrong there mate, i believe the Yanks will leave their mark on history too… more like a dirty skid mark really.
I vote Donald Trump for President!!! He has been through the money system, he understands cause and effect.. What he says is so true! I bet our deficit wouldn’t be so high that’s for sure, and America would be a much nicer place to live, cause he would take the money and invest it in our own land, not over seas…
stupid fat pig
wtf does trump know about politics ….stay in the business world…