www.eckharttolletv.com October 2009 Issue Preview, Full talk will be released October 1, 2009 at www.eckharttolletv.com Eckhart explores the essence of the spiritual classic that has accompanied him for thirty years.
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@MrSquooze Just live happily within that, which is impermanent.
Christ said: ” Without Me, you cannot do anything.” In Bible there’s written: ” God is so pure, that if an ordinary man see Him, he would die at the spot.” An ordinary man, like you and myself, are too dirty to even see Sun directly. God is billions times clearer and brighter than Sun. God being God, has responsibility to bring beings to enlightenment. Through that alone a Man can enter New World, an Enlightened World.
I love you Eckhart Tolle
It points to truth and is not so uncommon.
@dtseringdorje With respect, why is it a ‘gift from above’ rather than a gift from within? I believe the latter which also means I don’t have to believe in being in servitude or fear of a God almighty, as you have it, I’m not a prisoner or guilty of any crime so don’t feel I need to ‘surrender’ or punish myself; be at ease within yourself, no ‘God’ will hate you for that; there’s no prize to win at the end of it all, it’s all in destruction anyway, nothing is permanent, live happily within that.
I agree this book is great but I don’t agree with Eckhart that ancient texts that have survived to this day are sensible and timeless … e.g. the Old Testament and its crass banalities, and other religious texts too. Daoism and Zen are though pure forms and totally worthy of respect for that; Eckhart takes inspiration from these two the most, that’s obvious. Spot on.
@LieDeflector Where are his horns and tail? HAHA
@kakemot It’s a troll with numerous accounts.
Don’t run, don’t walk, don’t move, be quiet, be still, know, know yourself, know the universe, know God. I can’t thank tolle, mooji, adyashanti, ram dass, gangaji etc enough for showing their fellow humans the way, this has helped me and others I suppose very much. Love peace and unity for us all.
@LieDeflector You have severe problems…
eckhart tolle is satan manifested in the flesh
Dear Eckhart. I admire your passion to Lao Tzu’s TAO TEH CHING and other Taoist texts which you probably studied for last 30 years. It’s good to understand things intelectually but, more important is to awake within ourselves intuitive wisdom, which is manifested by a Gift from Above, the Gift of a Holy Spirit. Please pray to God Allmighty to help your contemplations to be fruitful, and to enlighten you thoroughly, from soles of your feet to a top of your head. Surrender to GOD. Then no problem.
@parafleet Put it all down. Keep your mouth closed. Open your mouth you’ll lose everything and get a problem. If you get up in a morning, watch Sunrise.
At evening look at Sunset. Everything in the world is made from same substance. So Sunrise, Sunset and you are ONE. You are Sun, Sun is you. But you are separated from Sun by your conceptual thinking. So you must cut off this thinking. Then, no Sun, no you. Words are cut off. Then, you can see the Truth. Sun is Sun. You are you. Easy.
Dear Friend, you are tripping. Your affliction is caused by your attachment to words. You are thinking, thinking, thinking. Cut it off, that thinking! Then what? Then you will be One with that which is already in front of you, all around you. What is it? It is no words, no silence, no Tao, no enlightenment, no ignorance, no Earth, no universe, no hell, no heaven, no samsara, no nirvana, no buddhahood. All that leaves a mouth is a lie. The Truth comes out through the other end. Discover that.
@skydragon4ever Lifespans have been increasing of late. And he isn’t hurting for love or money. Plus, he practically has no pulse.
@skydragon4ever Oooomg !!!! I didn’t know that! Thank you for the information,I am so shocked.
Man, this guy looks in his 30s! and he is 60!!!
Is it just me? or is this magik? =)
@SickBoy666100 It’s so that you go to the EckhartTolle TV website and watch the whole thing there. I think they still do free trials.
why does it end before he talks about whats in the book?
agree with you because THE SYSTEM simply can’t be fooled and the only way to win is to completely forget about winning
The one who tries to become big only succeeds in becoming small. Yet, the one who becomes small in order to become big only remains small.
@evansnow and tragedy 🙁 ^_^
@parafleet: Don’t have an ego about not having an ego! And don’t say don’t! 😛
Why come here to fight and criticize? That’s fear and jealousy. If you believe in evolution good for you! Eckhart is simply teaching everyone to be conscious of their choices and behavior. If you believe in evolution you should still be aware of your behavior, otherwise don’t complain when people are disrespectful towards you. You get treated as you treat others. Faith is not fear. Its the other way around. The faithless are the ones living in fear.
thank u –
as soon as you begin telling other people what they are doing is wrong, you have lost it……shit!