I have hundreds of them! Well, okay, most don’t even know I am using them as my mentor. But, hey, I seek their advice every day.
You see I want you to get into the habit of expanding your mindset and allowing the doors of opportunity to open. Having a mentor or mentors will do that precise thing for you.
I’m a firm believer in not having to deal with the learning curve…I just don’t have time to experiment with trial and error…nor failure. I need to keep moving…positively, financially, and spiritually.
So back to the hundreds of mentors…
What is a mentor?
Well, according to most dictionaries – the simplest way to explain it is “a trusted counselor or guide.” Now, most dictionaries go on to say… that a mentor should be older, wiser and more experienced in what you need help in. I say age doesn’t matter.
I have about 5 highly intelligent business oriented people I seek advice from day after day, and about another 100 or so that I can go to at a moment’s notice and get advice from.
What? How can you have 100 people who are available to you on a moment’s notice?
Well, let me explain!
Books! Audio Programs! Videos! Get the picture?
You see books, audio programs and video’s provide in depth advice and nuggets of valuable, bankable information… that when used correctly can propel you to new heights.
My favorites and yes, you can use them as mentors too…include Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Timothy Ferris, Dan Kennedy, Steven K. Scott, Joe Sugarman, Joe Vitale, Gary Vaynerchuck, Brian Tracy, Robert G. Allen, Lee Milteer, Bill Glazer, Steve Chandler, Marie Forleo, Ted Nicholas, Dr Lawrence Steinmetz, Pamela Yellen, Bill Philips, Michael Gerber, Dean Graziosi, and the list goes on.
Back to the “age doesn’t matter” approach. I’ll be 41 this year and my 12 year old son is my mentor when it comes to video gaming… he knows all the moves and cheats in all the video games he plays. My family priest is younger than me, but I seek his mentorship when it comes to spiritual matters.
Seek those people out that have the knowledge and insight to help you along.
When I do an interview with someone, they are my mentor for that hour…I learn from them and get to know them…plus, I develop a friendship with them.
Rob Anspach is a “brilliantly savvy” entrepreneur who helps frustrated business owners regain the passion they once had by showing them how to be more effective in the marketplace. How to dramatically improve their business so they enjoy coming to work again. And, how to win over customers regardless of price. Discover how easy it is to make money using the power of the written word in your online or offline marketing, to attract and retain clientele and profit from your passions… visit http://www.robanspach.com today!
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