Instant Wealth Wake Up Rich by Christopher Howard (free)

Book Description

How to build wealth with passion and purpose

The power to create great wealth is already within you. But monetizing that raw energy doesn’t happen by itself. As Christopher Howard shows, building great wealth is a dual process. It begins by identifying your passion—the things you truly and deeply care about, whatever they may be. Next, passion needs to be endowed with purpose: a clearly defined vision of the future you intend to create.

Once this happens, money is simply the natural reward. When you bring the value of passion and purpose to the marketplace, financial prosperity is the instant result. It’s like awakening to a new reality—not just for yourself, but for everyone who shares in your success. And make no mistake: sharing is a key element in the success of Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, and the other billionaire entrepreneurs Chris introduces in these pages. Instant Wealth—Wake up Rich! proves that ultimate success is by no means a matter of selling out principles in order to become rich. On the contrary, it’s becoming rich in order to bring that riches to the world.

As a true entrepreneur himself, Christopher Howard has put these lessons to work in the creation of his own fast–growing international business. What’s worked for him—and for so many other hugely successful entrepreneurs—can work for you too. All it takes is passion, purpose, and waking up to instant wealth.

>>>Instant Wealth Wake Up Rich by Christopher Howard free – click here

From the Inside Flap

What does it really take to be wealthy? What must you know? What must you do? And what must you not do if you really want to live the life of your dreams? In Instant Wealth–Wake Up Rich!, Christopher Howard proves that gaining great wealth doesn′t depend on advanced education, or being born into the right family, or even finding yourself in the right place at the right time. Instead, wealth is simply a matter of waking up to a few crucially important realities:

Your passion in life, no matter what it might be, is the fundamental engine of your success
Wealth inevitably results when yourwork and your passion are first linked, then unified
Creating unity between work andpassion requires certain powerful tools—physical, mental, and spiritual
As soon as you start using those tools—at that very instant!—your financial situation will rapidly and radically improve
Now, just one final element remains. As you give back to the world, passion and purpose are infused with new meaning—and you literally wake up to a fundamentally changed reality. Your soul′s purpose shines through your work, your work creates a better world, and you build a lasting legacy of wealth in the truest sense of the word

For mega–entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, and

Christopher Howard himself, bettering the world is inseparable from the wealth–building journey. Waking up to instant wealth means everybody benefits. Chris puts it this way:

“The instant you commit to a sharing intention, you embrace an even larger purpose than riches for yourself. Your desire to give back energizes you to achieve much greater levels of wealth. This makes your passion and purpose far more meaningful. It clears the way not just for prosperity, but for ultimate success.”

For you as an individual and for all who will benefit from your prosperity, Instant Wealth—Wake Up Rich! is simply the fastest way from where you are to where you want to be. And as Christopher Howard shows, you′re a lot closer than you think!

>>>Instant Wealth Wake Up Rich by Christopher Howard free – click here

Some Review

I absolutely love this book. Not only does it have very practical, no-nonsense, original strategies for living a truly rich life it is also a really straightforward accessible read. AND it is packed with practical exercises to get you from where you are to where you need to be.I love it. There are so many wealth creation books out there that rehash the same old content. Chris Howard has created new strategies for us all to truly embrace and instal The New Entrepenurial Mind.

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