25 thoughts on “Jim Rohn Tribute Video

  1. What a great video. He is still imprinting me everyday. I watch land read everything I can

  2. I’ll keep listening, watching and reading everything Jim Rohn, ’till the day I graduate from this life. By the way, I got excited when I saw Tom and Zig Ziglar, towards the end…they’re also great people.

    People who don’t know about all this are missing out on a lot of fun and education.

  3. Jim Rohn to me is a Torchlight that God sent to me so that I will not woek in darkness.

  4. thanks jim ! you helped me and im glad i got into your stuff while im young 🙂

  5. Americans scare the fuck out of me…
    Have read 5 Pieces To The Life Puzzle…says we can all make it in this world as long as we are capitalists and fuck over our fellow man because no one else matters…SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST is his mantra…

  6. You are so inspirational and have such words of wisdom, thank you for showing me a different way of life! Thank you very much!

  7. You helped me become the most successful person I had ever imagined, and your tapes alone gave me the father figure I never had… thank you Jim Rohn

  8. you were a true legend Sir, you are still alive in my heart, bless your soul Jim

  9. Thank you Jim Rohn. You had a dramatic impact on my life and set me on the path to success!! We are better people for having known you.

  10. Thank you Mr. Rohn for “The Day That Turned MY LIFE Around”. God bless your soul. RIP

  11. Jim Rohn had an great impact on my life. Your words continue to guide me. You’ll live in my heart forever.

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