Real YOGA and MEDITATION Siddha Yoga Patanjali Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Kundalini Yoga Sahaja Yoga Maha Yoga Method of YOGA and MEDITATION for Holistic Healing, Spiritual Evolution, Health, Fitness, Inner Peace, Universal Wellness, and finally to Bring Heaven on Earth by “Divine Transformation of Mankind” to Attain a “Divine Bodily Form, or The “Next Evolutionary Development” in Human Body, or We may call it as Manifestation of Supermind in Superman. The Real Yoga based on Ancient Ashtanga Yoga Philosophy of Maharish Patanjali, Patanjali Yog Sutras, has nothing to do with the Prevailing form of Yoga. Prevailing form of Yoga is Limited to a mere Physical and Mental Exercise aimed at Curing Diseases. The Real Yoga means Union of Soul with God or Universal Consciousness Force. The Real Yoga involes Chanting of a Mantra Received from a Empowered, Enlightened Guru. In Real Yoga, the Practitioner is not required to perform any Yoga. His Body undergoes different Involuntary Yogic kriyas, mudras, aasanas and pranayam, depending upon his bodys requriment. This Automatic Yoga is Induced and Controled by the Awakened Innes Power ‘KUNDALINI’, under the full and final control of the Guru. This Kundalini is Awakened by the Guru through Transmission of Power using MANTRA. It is the VIBRATIONS of the VOICE coming from A Enlightened Empowered Guru that produces the Result. Guru Ram Lalji Siyag, popularly known as Guru Siyag is the Spiritual master from India,Who Has made it possible to …