It’s Time To Get Smarter With Your Money. “…It’s become even clearer to me that what Robert talks about and teaches is more important than ever. Financial education is crucial to this country at this point, and Robert’s acumen in this area cannot be disputed.” – Donald J. Trump Robert Kiyosaki interview at:
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Sorry Rob but the Government has picked up on this and is screwing the hell out of us in Australia….Real estate was the real deal but now it’s a rort, the average investor is totally fucken screwed, don’t believe the hype get out while you can, there is no repeat NO future in real estate good luck all of you
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thanks mr. Robert.
@mrstephenlck hi, I’m selling this cashflow game set. If you’re interested maybe you could pm me on fb or email me on ~could give you a good offer price.Keep in touch! have a nice day! =)
@aposwil Nope it’s called ‘Cashflow 101’
@KennyThrusts its for both! you should read his book, rich dad, poor dad. it really helps. 🙂
Is this game for folks w/ no money, or only for those who have? I’m getting a real estate investing career off the ground, but haven’t made any deals yet. How would this help me where I am now? Anyone? Thanks.
I really like Robert’s talk here – can you tell me how to play the online game? I tried going into through the RichDad website but no luck.
Who wants to earn extra 8,000 per week or per day? Our company is in pioneering stage, just started as January 2011, nationwide. We have the value for money ,we have the best products and we have a new system w/c is very different from the others. Of course, this registered in Securities and Exchange Commission. Exclusively in Philippines, Cebu City. If you lived particularly in Cebu City, Philippines and your interested don’t hesitate to message me. See you around in Cebu. Thanks.
@laptoprepairs great~!!!! this is this game all about~!!
People….if you have to pay to join a network marketing company….or if you have to sell their products to friends and family….then it is a hassle and a waste of time…i recently joined a network marketing company that charges $12 per month of product purchase to stay active and the members pay comes from the $12 per month product purchase….this means NO SELLING…..come join me at the lowest cost marketing program around with a great opportunity for income
Financial Education is the key to Financial Freedom. Some people might say that “But I did not get a better start for myself growing up and that is why I am not financially free today” and Others “I have too much expences and no time to get started”. They all make one very important mistake(Change will not happen until YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN).
The best way to start, is to get Financially educated. I started with “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. Which will be your first Rich Dad book?
Thank you Robert 🙂
i dont have money now , actually im just starting but i always knew that i will be rich, i have proof that im smarter than people that i know that makes 100k a year working iin a company and smarter than a lawyer i had . i will buy the game and play and practice till i fill confortable and know what im doing , im an open book , i want all the rite info in my head and positive ! thanks
@aposwil that guy is lost in this world , he is asking if this game is called rat race . when it has a huge title that says CASH FLOW , he will be poor all his life , ill hire him to work for me ,
Awesome Game! Our whole family plays regularly.
Looking for serious and hard working people who want to earn good money working on my team. Email me at: and I will send you an Eligibility Form to fill out. If all is well then you can start working on my team ASAP!
@gabyterrr look for it at thepiratebay
Responder a este video… como lo bajo me parece muy interesante saludos
@gabyterrr hola como lo descargo me interesa aprender saludos
so let me get this straight: is this game an asset, or a liability Rich Dad?
The big possibilities for all. Wellcom to NSP.
@mrstephenlck TPB
@drfunk444 download it from TPB
download it from TPB less than 2 gigs both games