Name: Richard Roderick Townsend Age: 32 H/W: 6’3, 160 lbs. Hair: Black. Eyes: Gray. Complexion: Caucasian Occupation: Doctor (chiropractor and back surgery specialist) Alignment: Goody Two-Shoes. Abilities: Telepathy. Weakness: He cannot always shut it off, and it drives him a bit mad. He also can’t shut out another person’s thoughts if in direct contact with them; skin-to-skin contact. Personality: Cold, collected, and a “high-functioning sociopath” by his own terms, he has a slight messiah complex and views himself as a new stage of development for mankind. Extremely bright, but extremely unforgiving, rigid, and slightly ambitious. Views himself as more reliable and steadfast than his brother, and dislikes that the inheritance of their family’s fortune fell to him. Views Allen as useless and a disgrace to the Townsend name. Backstory: Was visiting Allen (re: arguing over their father) when he was kicked out preemptively from his brother’s penthouse. Wandering the streets to get back to his car, Richard was struck by lightning and stricken senseless. When he awoke, he was able to hear the thoughts of the paramedics who brought him into the hospital. After being discharged, he discovered his abilities, and has been using them to fix little things—end affairs for others, stop thievery and debauchery from occurring, and overall just toying with the thoughts of others, putting them to good use if need be. — Footage: BBC’s Sherlock, stock, Thor. Audio: Black Keys …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
NEW book from Singing Dragon: ‘The Secret of Everlasting Life: The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text on Immortality’. In this video, author Richard Bertschinger explains the origins of the second century Can Dong Qi, and talks about the careful way in which he translated it from the Chinese over two decades. He also shares memories from his time with the influential Taoist sage and Master, Gia-fu Feng, and reads some passages from the book. More info:
Video Rating: 5 / 5

…Is it bad that the last bit with the audio always sends me into a fit of giggles? 8’|
This video is stunning. Just, the colouring and the overlay/glitter..thing. 8| It’s a smooth combination with the music and clip choices, and just…I really do like Richard. I like him, but I’d like to kick his shin at the same time. 8’| Butthat’stheZebinmyhead.
Overally, just gorgeous and a joy to watch.
He’s such a.. ffhhh. His personality is ridiculously likable and it shouldn’t be. iloveit. I CAN’T HELP BUT FEEL A LITTLE BAD FOR ALLAN BUT THEN I’M LIKE YEAH. BUT IT’S BENEDICT. DKJFSDF.
okay. Down to the actual video. Your text at the end was amazing, the colouring and overlays, too. You really get a feel of his character and how the world around him affects him and adifhs. <3
very nice, thank you !