TEDxRainier – Dimitri Christakis – Media and Children

Dimitri Christakis is a pediatrician, parent, and researcher whose influential findings are helping identify optimal media exposure for children. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 thoughts on “TEDxRainier – Dimitri Christakis – Media and Children

  1. I don’t drink pop….And you can’t really get away from fluoride, and it is needed to make sure the enamel in your teeth stays strong.

  2. No surprise on Stravinsky – psychopathic. Wonder what effect on the neural pathways electric shock has on a newborn, as so many receive a 5 minute brain shock after delivery within certain groups/cults as standard procedure for mind programming and a lifetime of electroshock to implant instructions/programmes into the subconscious and to erase them from the conscious. Electroshock ‘therapies’ destroy ‘self’ awareness and suppress/destroy memory of abuse etc – pure torture.Interesting video.

  3. soft drinks, especially soda and particular diet coke are impregnated with nuerotoxins aspartime and formaldahyde; a major contributory factor of those effects, as is flueride in water, toothpaste and mouthwashes.

  4. An additional 100,000 didn’t bother to rate, either way. If this is a measurement of ‘awareness’ levels, it’s a pretty dismal percentile.

  5. Then, in 2000, I was chatting with someone who asked me if I’d read ‘Four Arguments For The Elimination of Television’ and I would highly recommend anyone to read this; it is a powerful and transforming realisation. Anything exploring/exposing this addictive/hynotic mind machine is of high value. They couldn’t control us without their Me_Jah!

  6. I, like everyone else was raised on TV and a TV-addict. Until someone planted a seed in 1997. A woman unexpectedly stayed with me for a week and as she did not watch TV, I moved the set into my bedroom. I didn’t understand the harm with it or why she didn’t watch it and can’t remember what she said.But it bugged me, like all new ideas did and do. Within months, I was watching less and less, then one day, didn’t turn it on at all, then a week, a month and finally got rid of it; too busy living.

  7. …Dugo sam razmišljao kako da ti odgovorim. Na kraju sam shvatio da bih u samo nekoliko jednostavnih YouTube redova morao da sažmem suštinsku razliku između tebe i mene očigledno veliku k’o sam univerzum. To je, naravno, nemoguće. Ti i ja se nikada ne bismo razumeli. Ti i ja ne pripadamo istoj zemlji, a kamoli “demokratskom društvu”. Savetujem ti da pronađeš nekog drugog na koga će tvoje reči imati više uticaja, bilo na Internetu ili uživo. Želim ti mnogo sreće u tome, pozdrav.

  8. Bravo. Misliš da radiš pravu stvar, a u stvari ostavljaš svoje prijatelje i porodicu u rukama ignorantnih idiota. Ako već imaš glas u ovom demokratskom društvu, iskoristi ga. Zbog nezainteresovanih ljudi kao što si ti, naša zemlja propada.

  9. I haven’t been diagnosed with an attention disorder, but a lot of the times I feel like I should be. I get easily distracted. And when it comes to homework, I either complete it at the last minute because I keep getting distracted or don’t even finish it at all. It’s really annoying. I’m also very forgetful. I have kind of a bad memory.

  10. I totally agree! Parents need to spend more quality time with their young ones and not give them to TV. I know it’s not an easy task but well worth it at the end.

  11. OMG so this guy that I used to see in television lol and not even understand what he was doing was called Mr. Rogers XD OMG this brings back many memories!

  12. what an eye opener, with regards to info, but on some level I knew this already. My child was not exposed to television until she was 2 and she does not like watching cartoons now, only full length movies. And she still only gets to watch tv about once a week, sometimes not at all. We also don’t have normal tv, so there are no adverts, we only have DVD’s. I think that is rather good, considering that we are a normal technological family.

  13. I don’t have attention disorder, but ASPD. So… boredom, easily distracted, forget things, don’t finish/frequently switching from one activity to another.

  14. I’m not sure I agree with you, but maybe I could be swayed with some evidence?

    I think humour can be a great tool for helping people remember rather complex topics. Take for instance the numerous ‘beginners’ books aimed at giving a light hearted opening of heavy and complex topics.

    Also, how about comedic films that have undertones of philosophical notions?

    I don’t think it true to link humour to being less educated, rather it is as a useful tool that helps people deal with life.

  15. no, because, they do not understand what he is talking about. humans have tendention to remember only the funny parts in the presentation, and most important things are boring to them.

  16. I’m not sure why you’re so quick to jump on the defensive. You’re eliciting far more from my response to you than I ever said. And by no means do I think (or even implied!) that you’re an anti-technology freak, we’re on YouTube right?!

    I was telling you to thank your hard work to where you have gotten, opposed to making grandiose claims about television. Which I thought was a relatively positive statement, but I guess not!

    Nice way to polarise my opinions against your own.

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