The Law of Attraction and Living in the Now


A lifestyle based and centered on living in the present moment or in other words living in the presence and awesome potency of the Now is a sublime and most effective way to organically utilize the Law of Attraction to gain both wealth and enlightenment. It’s a powerful way of life that notable personalities like Socrates, Jesus Christ and in modern days Eckhart tolle have advocated. It not only leads to attainment of the forms we desire in the world we also will attain enlightenment in this way. Eckart Tolle wrote a bestselling book called, “The Power of Now”, which is probably still on the best seller list after many years. Why have such personalities and many like them advocate living in the here and now or a life of being acutely aware as a lifestyle even amidst a world immersed in focusing so much on the imagined future or the dead past? Why did Jesus say, “seek the kingdom of God first and all else will be added to you”. We have examples of successful modern day spiritual teachers like Eckhart tolle, and Candice o Denver who had attracted a level of material success and prestige and still their lives collapsed and they were left dealing with facing, embracing and processing all the beauty, the emotional pain, and fears welling up within themselves without escaping from it through the various methods most of us use. With enough of this inner processing a abundant absolute dimension of reality spontaneously opened into their awareness and now they apparently delight in serving and inspiring thousands of others towards this attractive destination.


There many reasons why more people do not live their lives in Now consciousness where all the steps of personal life transformation are to be found. Most of us are afraid to tolerate some emotional pains that may arise in our awareness as part of the clearing and healing process of our psyche. We have not normally been taught by our parents or in universities how to really deal apropiately with our own self and cooperate with the natural healing and self actualization process. Instead if we feel some discomfort, emotional pain or sometimes even any emotion at all we have many strategies to repress, numb and avoid allowing it into our awareness. A balanced a progressive life means we must experience our totality. Saying no by repressing our pain and only being willing to say yes and allow in the pleasurable does not heal our lives or help us become enlightened. Many years ago I met a successful Psychotherapist from Hawaii who told me that he was able to cure his patients with only one method. He encouraged and taught them to increasingly develop a openness and tolerance to experience whatever sensations or feelings that came up for them in each and every moment without repressing or avoiding them. Ah, the power of Now! Believe it or not it is not so easy to embrace all of who we are after the way we have been trained and conditioned to label that which is uncomfortable bad or negative. Therefore we turn away from our own self healing process and the masses of people spend fortunes on pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs, overindulgence in TV, etc. The psychotherapist said, that most people have lost touch with this natural cure because of being taught and conditioned to avoid feeling in total their complete sensations and feelings by only wanting to embrace the good and rejecting the so called bad feelings and sensations. Being an authority many listened to him and changed their attitude and belief system. Now the new program and belief he introduced was that its ok and most important to feel and experience all your feelings and sensation even though it is uncomfortable or even painful at times. This feat can only be accomplished staying focused in the Now. This cured their illnesses, physical, mental and emotional in so many cases! The more they learned and applied this new skill the better the healthier they became. This main method that he used and it transformed and healed the lives of so many of his patients. Too bad he had waste so much of his valuable time jumping through societies hoops going to school for so many years to learn only this one essential universal method that worked so well!


What exactly does it mean to live in the Now? One perspective is that with acute attention we continuously monitor what we are thinking, feeling, sensing and willing into this world. We respond intuitively to act or not act according the indications we receive in this moment to moment awareness. We begin to deal with life as it is for us, trusting ourselves. Staying attentive to the now we now we are less prone to being derailed off course by other peoples or groups influence. There are many of such tests in life which attempt to take us away from ourselves manipulating our attention and focus away from our own personal path into someone else’s field of influence and life agenda instead. When one says they don’t know what they want or who they are they probably have not yet perfected living in the now, trusting their own intuition what is right for them or their attention has been already been stolen away from their own life path being contaminated by external manipulative forces. Living in the Now, our life becomes a moment by moment meditation on what wells up into our awareness from deep within the unconscious mind and with an attitude of openness we examine this content without repressing, numbing out, or avoiding by reaching for the drugs, alcohol cigarettes or TV.


If one is interested in up leveling their vibrational state in an ever increasing way which will naturally spontaneously attract that which is for their well being, learning the skill of living life being ever attentive and awake what is present for us right Now is crucial. It will also be challenging to implement such a way of life amidst our industrial and technological age conditioning, where focus and adherence to artificially produced schedules and events is encouraged. Then again unless we are monks living in a ashram and due to the world being as it is we pretty much need to be flexible enough to be able to function in both worlds: One which is society focused on the artificial future and the Now which follows in alignment with natures ways and leads us to know our own self. If we get totally caught up in the mechanistic ways of the world alone without learning how to live skillfully in the Now we will have great difficulty answering questions like, What do I really want to do with my life? What do I really value and find of importance? With living our life focused up in our Mind or head alone, being caught up basing our life on the dead past or imagined future only, we lose touch with our real ever evolving self and personal path which begins right Now. These essential questions that lead to living a fulfilling increasingly enlightened life are a result of organically transforming our lives responding appropriately and intuitively in the present moment. Another way to look at enlightenment is to simply empty or lighten up our load so that we can see that we are already connected to our eternal source of abundance of every good thing we need.


The Law of attraction works most noticeably and powerfully when we are focused in Now consciousness. Great metaphysicians like Jesus were so confident in the power of living in the now he told his disciples to give everything away and just have faith that God or existence will supply all ones intended requirements. Our modern day Eckhart tolle’s normal life one day collapsed and he was left homeless on a park bench living in the now and ful
l of bliss and joy. Now look at where living in the Now got him. He is both enlightened and wealthy from serving others in his unique way with little danger of becoming trapped by identification with possessions on all levels.


Many who teach the Law of Attraction and who are in the limelight have made this universal law work very well for them to become wealthy. Many also advertise the law of attraction as a means to get the expensive latest model car, a four million dollar house, living in a beautiful place like Hawaii. The emphasis appears to be on making any abundant material dream come true. This is ok and will attract many people to begin to look within themselves for the power to control their reality. Still there seems to be little emphasis on using the Law of Attraction to become an enlightened as well a wealthy individual. From early on in life the first business my intuition led me to be interested in was in attracting the process of emptying the false identifications of myself with possessions, physical, mental emotional which appeared like heavy baggage that I carried around with me. I had a little help with this process in the early 70s through experimentation with powerful hallucinogenic medicines which forcibly opened the doors of the subconscious mind and all kinds of repressed baggage began welling up into consciousness for many years to process and clear. Therefore I write about the Law of attraction from the perspective of using it first to become increasingly self aware, purified, emptied out and enlightened in alignment with what the great master teacher Jesus taught, “First seek the kingdom of God (spirit) and all else will be added to you.” Why did he say this? I believe if we just go for developing our skill in using the Law of attraction to gain massive amounts of material possessions we may stand a chance to move away from realizing our deeper self and true individual purpose in life. “What profits a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul in the process,” is another wise saying of the same master teacher. In writing these things I know I cannot satisfy all readers of this article. It will appeal to some who have a similar intention as myself and may repel those who are more attracted to first gaining massive amounts of riches. People are all unique and drawn down their own personal path. I have discovered there is no absolute right way in a personal life path. One may claim to possess the highest absolute truth but if this truth does not draw one to it then it is not for them to involve themselves with due to the direction they are getting from the wisdom of their connection with the now. A line from a poem I wrote years ago illustrates my mood in the matter. “There is no right or wrong, only individual souls singing their own song. We all got one to sing; now I give mine wings.” Our individual song or expression in life exists right Now. It’s more a matter of discovering it through emptying out the garbage and what is Now irrelevant. Existence helps us with this when we are living in attentive corporation with the process. Cultivating Now consciousness is a good place to begin digging for the treasure of knowing thy self which is connected to the Eternal Source of all abundance.



I work in the fields of massage, pranic healing, Reiki and have passionate interest in various subjects that help achieve body mind emotion spirit balance and development.

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