www.ted.com Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that motivate everyone’s actions — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers are invited to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes — including speakers such as Jill Bolte Taylor, Sir Ken Robinson, Hans Rosling, Al Gore and Arthur Benjamin. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, politics and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http
i like tony robbins. i didn’t before but i do now.
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“we can this, we can that bla bla”…just theory…look at him, a big man i just wonder if he cant….look and learn from Nick Vuijic, he ist the best motivation speaker i´ve seen…..
im sorry. i dont understand the supreme court reference. im not an american
Tony Is An ABSOLUTE Inspiration
Love it when he says about himself…..
“Idiot…. Robbins…!!! LOL ”
Charisma Intelligence But Most Of All Real Empathy as he’s been there seen it and done it. Patterns Programs DRIVE
Emotion or
E-Motion = Energy In Motion After hitting Rock Bottom Financially Tonys Get The Edge Personal Power II and The Masters Tapes John Gray Is AWESOME
Tony Is An ABSOLUTE Inspiration
Love it when he says about himself…..
“Idiot…. Robbins…!!! LOL ”
Charisma Intelligence But Most Of All Real Empathy as he’s been there seen it and done it. Patterns Programs DRIVE
Emotion or
E-Motion = Energy In Motion After hitting Rock Bottom Financially Tonys Get The Edge Personal Power II and The Masters Tapes John Gray Is AWESOME
I cried my eyes out with that 9/11 story, I guess that makes me a sad person that finds reasons to be sad =
Good information.
Do you love health? Harvard Says Full Cost of U.S. Coal is $500 Billion a Year : us.mobile.reuters . com / article/article/idUS1634961002 20110218?ca=rdt — Money down the drain because of the gangster coal cartel. Investigate, prosecute and imprison those that spread lies and disinformation about climate science. ClimateCodeRed . net — PostCarbon . org — Puppets of the automobile industry gangster cartels, free yourselves. CarFree .com — BicycleCity . com — FreePublicTransit . org
This man is truely amazing at explaining common sense lol
But seriously hes a God.
Tony did go over alot of content in this presentation. I have been lucky enough to go to two live shows. UPW and Date with Destiny. You don’t have to take on board 100% on what he says but when you see some live interactions with some participants with major issues, he can seemingly get to the core issue and solve that. A fence at the top of the cliff is better than an ambulance at the bottom. In this presentation, I think that the main point was contribution, to “Serve beyond ourselves”
Through Personal Power Poersonal Power II All The Lessons With Masters esp John Gray That Guy Is AWESOME And Funny Get the Edge…everything Consistant Massive Action Thanks Tony Thank You so Much If I managed to finaly set up webcopycats com/go managed to learn about IFrame, Autoresponders Marketing and so much more Subconcious its Tonys Teachings Helping me take Action Thanks Tony Listen Learn Apply … And Enjoy The Process 🙂
youtube watch?v=PBM0Plz10Ic
Tony Robbins is AMAZING!!
I love the way he open loops (starts a story to get more time).
love this guy! he is amazing.
Anthony Robbins = Brilliant. Al Gore = Criminal
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*** NEWS FLASH *** BUY ((( KV-A ))) Under $5.00 a share…and could hit as high as $20.00-$25.00 a share so if you can buy for under I would say $12.32-$13.27a share then BUY BUY BUY!!!
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love this guy!
Poznáš neviditeľné sily ktoré motivujú naše činy? Tony Robbins ti to ukáže …klick #li
check out John C. Maxwell. I think he’s the best leadership expert ever.
Hard to process! but good overall meaning haha
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