25 thoughts on “Tony's Philosophy – 3. Unlock What's Stopping You

  1. Tony, you’re my true inspiration! I recently posted my new video of incantations and affirmations for ‘activating the law of attraction,’ spoken out loud to inspiring music. Just sit back and listen, or keep it on in the background, while you do other things. Thanks for teaching me the power of incantations, Tony! Best regards, – Eric Falcon

  2. @Mu5clehead We agree. Have you even been listening? The message has a lot more meaning and influence when you omit the words your mom taught you NOT to say… MuscleF–ingHead.

  3. @dawndell1

    And… perhaps they were afraid of him because he challenged their laziness and lack of contribution… at least that’s how they interpret it. Of course, he’s not judging them at all but they judge him poorly because deep down they judge themselves poorly.

  4. @thebestlawyerintown He studied with richard bandler the co founder of NLP nuro linguistic progamming. And many many other people.

  5. Think big. Be bigger than you FEEL like being. Don’t “dare” to dream…dream a big dream knowing it is not going to be perfect or easy up-front! Make a firm internal commitment first and everything you can imagine can happen…but someone else is not going to do the work for you!

  6. @Mu5clehead
    People who hate are only hurting themselves so I don’t really care if they do. Because what you focus on truly does keep showing up in your life. It never feels good to hate, and if you aren’t feeling good/great you don’t attract good things into your life. ( : This is a truth. Just as when you focus on a pole and you want to avoid hitting it you don’t keep focusing on the pole to avoid it. ( : That was tony Robbins analogy that I found great.

  7. @Mu5clehead dude its not obvious? he’s successful and famous? u should be asking y r u hanging with people who find a guy like tony hateable? he’s the best of all these motivational guys? forces you away from a theistic god,. puts the accountability on you the individual. my beef with him is he doesnt emphasize cultural +environmental forces more often + sometimes he’s too much about conquering the shallow materialisms of life at the expense of more powerful contexts.

  8. No one is perfect but he has good to say, if he helps just one person to change their lives for the better then well done, i would like to say to all out there if each one of us did the same as him this world would be a far better and happy place to be

  9. Being true to values and aligning your life with those values can bring about huge results very quickly. Thanks for the reminder. HR

  10. @Hania454 Not many people listen to tony robbins so I am going against the grain. I think for myself and I think you are slagging a fucking legend. You must be a completely inspiring person. I can’t wait to go to your seminar?

  11. @MomoTheBellyDancer
    why is he telling nonesense….. yes he benifits finnancially to give cynical donkeys like you advice on how to structure ur life!!

  12. @chirorickyp
    “Your beliefs and values are stopping you from defining success”

    How do you know my beliefs and values?

    “therefore success is unachievable and meaningless to you”

    How do you know what success I have?

    Really, some people…

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