the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken. very trueeee
The world is overpopulated anyways. Smart people like Buffet understand that we don’t need more people!
He Is a great Investor, but he only raises money for the new world order.
MBA talk? In which university?
@juanjru I have never watched him before, just read books translated to portuguese, but something that I noticed is also his high sense of humor. I see so many “serious” business man, and he gives good laughs and not take things so seriously.
@tomintroy Do you think his poor returns as you have indicated over the last 13 years are due to his methods not working or the sheer size of his portfolio?.What do his numbers look like on a risk adjusted basis?
I’m selling short 29 people
@tomintroy u frgt to add his own performance-from selling newspaper to being the richest person in the whole world……….
@juanjru It takes more than thinking big to be a billionaire. You sound like an ass kisser to me.
Warren Buffett is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analyzing companies. Dedication and desire the majority(like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate their time in ways of entertainment rather than in more useful activities. He also created a mastermind alliance with Charlie Munger that operated in a spirit of harmony that help lead to the development of thinking accurately in terms of investing larger $
Warren Buffet is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analysing companies. Dedication and desire the majority (like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate there time in ways of entertainment rather than in more usefull activites.
Well have a major definite purpose from a very early age , concentrating all your efforts on this purpose and practicing self discipline in terms of persistence is a common trait among all of those individuals. Now talent certainly helps in the development of skill in terms of setting you apart , but everyone has some form of talent. The difference is in my opinion the perpetuating love for that in which you are doing. Emerson said “A man is what he thinks about all day”.
Warren Buffet is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analysing companies. Dedication and desire the majority (like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate there time in ways of entertainment rather than in more usefull activites.
@ProLifeDisciple thats understandable. He doesnt want any more competition,
he ll fall into a six foot hole soon enough,
If you take the time to watch all 10 parts of this lecture you’ll note 4 companies that WB expresses a strong opinion on. Here’s the 13 year performance of each.
Coca cola his favorite pick, lost 10%
Procter and Gamble and McDonald’s, his least favorite ‘favorites’ made 30%
and 150% Texas Pacific land trust he thought could loose value and didn’t like any other REIT’s is up 450%
Berkshire Hatheway’s average yearly gain? 3.5% per year over these 13 years, about equal to any old index fund.
@ProLifeDisciple and what are you doing to stop this behavior? let me guess …
Please lend me one million dollars!
((( UP-DATE ))) NEWS FLASH…. KV-A STOCK DOWN..DOWN..DOWN… = BUY..BUY..BUY!!! IF YOU CAN BUY KV-A under $14.65share then BUY…BUY…BUY!!! high volume stock, new fda approved drug could hit over the $20.00share up to $30.00 I bought at around $3.00 a share just under 1 weeks ago and now is at under $10.00share…Market today is down so take advantage of this and BUY KV-A there is lot more room for this stock to grow!!! I would now say sell at $25 dollar range((( BUY KV-A )))
((( UP-DATE ))) NEWS FLASH…. KV-A STOCK DOWN..DOWN..DOWN… = BUY..BUY..BUY!!! IF YOU CAN BUY KV-A under $14.65share then BUY…BUY…BUY!!! high volume stock, new fda approved drug could hit over the $20.00share up to $30.00 I bought at around $3.00 a share just under 1 weeks ago and now is at under $10.00share…Market today is down so take advantage of this and BUY KV-A there is lot more room for this stock to grow!!! I would now say sell at $25 dollar range((( BUY KV-A )))
@ProLifeChristian Show us a video of you being aborted.
@ProLifeDisciple Again, this video is about success in business and not about your opinions about abortion. I have less than zero interest in your opinions about abortion. So take it elsewhere. Thanks!
@baddave62 Yes, Buffett is very successful. Problem is what Buffett is doing with his success. Buffett donates millions to the largest abortion clinic in the U.S. – Planned Parenthood. Buffett was the major financial backer behind research into the abortion pill – RU486. This is immoral. Buffett is using his wealth to encourage & support the violent killing of unborn babies in abortion procedures. To see the violence, search “abort73” on YouTube or google “abortioninstruments (dot) com”
@ProLifeDisciple This video is about success in business, not about your views on abortion. Maybe you should take them to a nice “Christian” video where they enjoy reading about that kind of stuff.
Type in Grandizer cash on google and you will see my site you decide if it can help you out it’s powerful info that could change your life it’s info is two pages long
i think this dude prob makes his own decisions.
@imgonnafuckuup1 Btw, the answer I think he says at one time or another was Coca-Cola
buffett avoids answering how he values companies. But I think it’s obvious; he has hundreds of the best analysts working for him. His role is just to make conservative decisions based on their reports.
@daobagua -No the exact opposite actually.If you do not know about David Rockefeller buy his biography,he tells you himself.A “non-governmental org is not a government organization but acts like one.They lobby the government on behalf of their owners(basically)but have alot of other functions.Research “Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations’ There is a video on here.I’m against world Government actually.
@MrMaskita Yes I was being sarcastic. So you are saying the only organization that can do good in the world is a government organization. That is simply unfounded.
I don’t know the specifics on rockefeller that you mention. I will presume that your statments are equally unfounded on this point.
@daobagua -Are you being sarcastic?The Elite do not donate anything,they donate their money to their own “non governmental organizations” etc, and other places to hide their wealth.Like scumbag David Rockefeller.They create phony charities,wildlife funds,to steal,transfer,or further any other psychotic need they have,to control the planet.All the Rockefeller family should be in jail for treason,especially David.They just stole 23 tril of you,in the,that’s gotta hurt.
He’s said before that his best investments were wedding rings…
@MrMaskita In the 1960’s, he wasn’t one of the “elite” and he had his best years of performace based on percentage of annual gains. How did he manage that?
@MrMaskita Yeah totally agree. And then those elite for some reason have a huge change of character and donate 99% of their wealth to the poorest people on earth. Damb the elite for always looking out for themselves.
was that ending a fucking joke
whats warren’s best investment?
I think his answer would have been Coca Cola. Back in the 80’s he made a lot of money on Coca Cola stocks…
oh darn. only 3.5 billion. Sold too soon man. Sorry to hear that. lol
oh darn. only 3.5 billion. Sold too soon man. Sorry to hear that. lol
What a joke he doesn’t have to read the data.He and his friends are the greatest of ALL insider traders- always ahead of the game,with the like’s of Soro’s,Buffett,Rockefeller,Rothschild,DuPont,Astor,Lazzare,Oppenheimer’s,Carnegie’s,Queen of England ,Monarchs of Europe-there is NO such thing as the free market,it has been,and always will be manipulated by the Elite,to the benefit of them selves.Globalization is slavery,and has put too much power & control into the hands of the inbred Elite
If I had to take a guess, I would assume it was Gieco.
@ishhhiii yeah i wonder angrily the same now i never know what the best stock was he ever bought
@MikefromMadrid yea but it was pretty casual for someone with his intelligence and experience.. that deal was pretty easy for him…that was one of the seldom oportunities were you know what to do right away…
why did u cut the video short!!!!!!!!
An investment genius…=)
“He who is faithful in least is faithful in much” Manage your meager finances properly and you will end up with more to manage!, simple as that. Warren did not start out as a billionaire. He manages his ass off!
Some guys read Playboy, I read Stock Analysis. I salute you Warren Buffett. Besides Playboy Bunny’s are much more playful when you can provide for them. 😀
Oligarchy cunt…lol…financial…weaklings of the soul…dead beats
You’re so correct? The “best stock investment” question… the they just shut it off?
the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken. very trueeee
The world is overpopulated anyways. Smart people like Buffet understand that we don’t need more people!
He Is a great Investor, but he only raises money for the new world order.
MBA talk? In which university?
@juanjru I have never watched him before, just read books translated to portuguese, but something that I noticed is also his high sense of humor. I see so many “serious” business man, and he gives good laughs and not take things so seriously.
@tomintroy Do you think his poor returns as you have indicated over the last 13 years are due to his methods not working or the sheer size of his portfolio?.What do his numbers look like on a risk adjusted basis?
I’m selling short 29 people
@tomintroy u frgt to add his own performance-from selling newspaper to being the richest person in the whole world……….
@juanjru It takes more than thinking big to be a billionaire. You sound like an ass kisser to me.
Warren Buffett is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analyzing companies. Dedication and desire the majority(like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate their time in ways of entertainment rather than in more useful activities. He also created a mastermind alliance with Charlie Munger that operated in a spirit of harmony that help lead to the development of thinking accurately in terms of investing larger $
Warren Buffet is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analysing companies. Dedication and desire the majority (like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate there time in ways of entertainment rather than in more usefull activites.
Well have a major definite purpose from a very early age , concentrating all your efforts on this purpose and practicing self discipline in terms of persistence is a common trait among all of those individuals. Now talent certainly helps in the development of skill in terms of setting you apart , but everyone has some form of talent. The difference is in my opinion the perpetuating love for that in which you are doing. Emerson said “A man is what he thinks about all day”.
Warren Buffet is rich because many years ago he spent 14 hours a day learning how to invest and thoroughly analysing companies. Dedication and desire the majority (like 95) percent of the population does not have, they would rather allocate there time in ways of entertainment rather than in more usefull activites.
@ProLifeDisciple thats understandable. He doesnt want any more competition,
he ll fall into a six foot hole soon enough,
If you take the time to watch all 10 parts of this lecture you’ll note 4 companies that WB expresses a strong opinion on. Here’s the 13 year performance of each.
Coca cola his favorite pick, lost 10%
Procter and Gamble and McDonald’s, his least favorite ‘favorites’ made 30%
and 150% Texas Pacific land trust he thought could loose value and didn’t like any other REIT’s is up 450%
Berkshire Hatheway’s average yearly gain? 3.5% per year over these 13 years, about equal to any old index fund.
@ProLifeDisciple and what are you doing to stop this behavior? let me guess …
Please lend me one million dollars!
((( UP-DATE ))) NEWS FLASH…. KV-A STOCK DOWN..DOWN..DOWN… = BUY..BUY..BUY!!! IF YOU CAN BUY KV-A under $14.65share then BUY…BUY…BUY!!! high volume stock, new fda approved drug could hit over the $20.00share up to $30.00 I bought at around $3.00 a share just under 1 weeks ago and now is at under $10.00share…Market today is down so take advantage of this and BUY KV-A there is lot more room for this stock to grow!!! I would now say sell at $25 dollar range((( BUY KV-A )))
((( UP-DATE ))) NEWS FLASH…. KV-A STOCK DOWN..DOWN..DOWN… = BUY..BUY..BUY!!! IF YOU CAN BUY KV-A under $14.65share then BUY…BUY…BUY!!! high volume stock, new fda approved drug could hit over the $20.00share up to $30.00 I bought at around $3.00 a share just under 1 weeks ago and now is at under $10.00share…Market today is down so take advantage of this and BUY KV-A there is lot more room for this stock to grow!!! I would now say sell at $25 dollar range((( BUY KV-A )))
@ProLifeChristian Show us a video of you being aborted.
@ProLifeDisciple Again, this video is about success in business and not about your opinions about abortion. I have less than zero interest in your opinions about abortion. So take it elsewhere. Thanks!
@baddave62 Yes, Buffett is very successful. Problem is what Buffett is doing with his success. Buffett donates millions to the largest abortion clinic in the U.S. – Planned Parenthood. Buffett was the major financial backer behind research into the abortion pill – RU486. This is immoral. Buffett is using his wealth to encourage & support the violent killing of unborn babies in abortion procedures. To see the violence, search “abort73” on YouTube or google “abortioninstruments (dot) com”
@ProLifeDisciple This video is about success in business, not about your views on abortion. Maybe you should take them to a nice “Christian” video where they enjoy reading about that kind of stuff.
Type in Grandizer cash on google and you will see my site you decide if it can help you out it’s powerful info that could change your life it’s info is two pages long
i think this dude prob makes his own decisions.
@imgonnafuckuup1 Btw, the answer I think he says at one time or another was Coca-Cola
buffett avoids answering how he values companies. But I think it’s obvious; he has hundreds of the best analysts working for him. His role is just to make conservative decisions based on their reports.
@daobagua -No the exact opposite actually.If you do not know about David Rockefeller buy his biography,he tells you himself.A “non-governmental org is not a government organization but acts like one.They lobby the government on behalf of their owners(basically)but have alot of other functions.Research “Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations’ There is a video on here.I’m against world Government actually.
@MrMaskita Yes I was being sarcastic. So you are saying the only organization that can do good in the world is a government organization. That is simply unfounded.
I don’t know the specifics on rockefeller that you mention. I will presume that your statments are equally unfounded on this point.
@daobagua -Are you being sarcastic?The Elite do not donate anything,they donate their money to their own “non governmental organizations” etc, and other places to hide their wealth.Like scumbag David Rockefeller.They create phony charities,wildlife funds,to steal,transfer,or further any other psychotic need they have,to control the planet.All the Rockefeller family should be in jail for treason,especially David.They just stole 23 tril of you,in the,that’s gotta hurt.
He’s said before that his best investments were wedding rings…
@MrMaskita In the 1960’s, he wasn’t one of the “elite” and he had his best years of performace based on percentage of annual gains. How did he manage that?
@MrMaskita Yeah totally agree. And then those elite for some reason have a huge change of character and donate 99% of their wealth to the poorest people on earth. Damb the elite for always looking out for themselves.
was that ending a fucking joke
whats warren’s best investment?
I think his answer would have been Coca Cola. Back in the 80’s he made a lot of money on Coca Cola stocks…
oh darn. only 3.5 billion. Sold too soon man. Sorry to hear that. lol
oh darn. only 3.5 billion. Sold too soon man. Sorry to hear that. lol
What a joke he doesn’t have to read the data.He and his friends are the greatest of ALL insider traders- always ahead of the game,with the like’s of Soro’s,Buffett,Rockefeller,Rothschild,DuPont,Astor,Lazzare,Oppenheimer’s,Carnegie’s,Queen of England ,Monarchs of Europe-there is NO such thing as the free market,it has been,and always will be manipulated by the Elite,to the benefit of them selves.Globalization is slavery,and has put too much power & control into the hands of the inbred Elite
If I had to take a guess, I would assume it was Gieco.
@ishhhiii yeah i wonder angrily the same now i never know what the best stock was he ever bought
@MikefromMadrid yea but it was pretty casual for someone with his intelligence and experience.. that deal was pretty easy for him…that was one of the seldom oportunities were you know what to do right away…
why did u cut the video short!!!!!!!!
An investment genius…=)
“He who is faithful in least is faithful in much” Manage your meager finances properly and you will end up with more to manage!, simple as that. Warren did not start out as a billionaire. He manages his ass off!
Some guys read Playboy, I read Stock Analysis. I salute you Warren Buffett. Besides Playboy Bunny’s are much more playful when you can provide for them. 😀
Oligarchy cunt…lol…financial…weaklings of the soul…dead beats
You’re so correct? The “best stock investment” question… the they just shut it off?